Is Your Pilates Business Easy To Find?

If not, you could be losing out on potential clients. 

It is impossible to thrive as a business if your ideal client can’t find you. It’s vital to make it as easy as possible for them, otherwise, they’ll simply move on to the next option.

Read on for a few basic steps you can prioritize to ensure your Pilates business reaches the people most important to your growth and success.

Establish an Online Presence for Your Pilates Business

A solid and consistent online presence will help ensure your business stays top of mind with both current and potential clients.

One way to do this? Engage them on social media with a steady stream of content that taps into your unique approach to Pilates. 

If you specialize in a particular area of Pilates, like seniors or differently abled individuals, share helpful content that highlights your expertise. Engage your followers with tutorials, fun content that showcases your personality, and specific questions that invite them to share their thoughts, opinions, likes, and dislikes.

Another way to establish your footprint online is to develop a blog

Blogs offer more space to share your ideas beyond the constraints of social media posts. They can be hosted on your website or other platforms you own.  A blog also gives you the ability to optimize keywords and increase searches for your content, which can actively help boost your website’s ranking on Google. Learn more at our post on Digital Marketing for Your Pilates Business

Set Your Pilates Teaching Apart

The best way to help your business studio stand out from the sea of sameness is by finding creative ways to determine what makes you special. 

This means thinking outside the box. What’s unique about your Pilates story? What do you offer that no one else can? What hobbies or interests do you have that tell the fuller story of who you are beyond Pilates? How has your particular approach to the practice of Pilates enabled the success of your clients? 

Survey your current clients and ask them what they find unique about your work. Research the businesses in your local market to determine the gaps your expertise could or does fill. From there, be sure to showcase these differences in your blog, on social media channels, and in marketing campaigns.

Partner With Other Pilates and Fitness Businesses

Finally, being a part of a larger community of partners can help you build name recognition and strengthen networking. By aligning with other businesses, you can expand your reach and grow your clientele. Consider teaming up with local hotspots for charity events or joint marketing campaigns – and don’t rule out networking with other Pilates professionals or studios!

Joining the PMA is a great way to network with other Pilates professionals and become part of a larger community designed to help you and your business grow and thrive. When you join an international collective of similar businesses, you unlock the limitless potential to connect, learn, and evolve.

The PMA also makes it easier for clients to find you.  Check out our “Find a Pilates Studio” tool to see the strategies and resources other businesses are using to make themselves accessible.

Three Ways Pilates Professionals Can Start To Build Relationships with Healthcare Professionals

Three Ways Pilates Professionals Can Start To Build Relationships with Healthcare Professionals

As Pilates Professionals, we are proud to help our clients discover enhanced movement patterns, build their core strength, stand taller with better posture, and gain overall health and well-being.  Our healthcare professions colleagues share similar pride in helping patients move away from illness or injury, though each profession approaches this from its own vantage point and through its unique scope of practice.