Why It’s Important To Connect With Other Pilates Professionals

It can be tempting to keep everything “close to the vest” regarding your Pilates business. After all, why would you want your competitors to know all of the juicy secrets you’ve spent years honing to improve the way you serve your clients?

But competition isn’t a bad thing. It can help you and your business grow. Connecting with other Pilates studios and professionals not only elevates the profession for everyone, but can also open pathways to mutually beneficial relationships within the Pilates community.

Exchange Ideas with other Pilates Pros

Interaction with other Pilates pros and even other fitness genres can expose you to new ideas and ways of thinking.

Consider brainstorming with other professionals about new ways to support clients, whether through cueing or specific exercises that can help manage pain. Stay true to what makes your  business unique, but be intentional about tapping into the expertise of others to help you grow. Share your expertise as well. Remember that the success of all contributes to the success of the Pilates industry.

Combine Your Pilates Resources and Connections

In addition to broadening your horizons and generating new ideas, you can also go a step further and team up with other professionals in your community. By combining your resources and connections, you can strengthen both of your businesses and enrich the experience of the fitness community as a whole.

This might look like a workshop series where you and another professional showcase your strengths and offerings. Perhaps a joint marketing campaign could highlight different unique features of your respective businesses. Even if you simply utilize your relationships to further network and expand your reach in the industry, you are better off than simply going it alone.

Expand Your Pilates Community

When you enrich your local fitness community with the full scope of experience and ideas, you are benefiting students, teachers, and business owners alike.

Consider connecting on social media, joining others’ mailing lists, or even taking classes at other studios. And, of course, reciprocate by inviting other fitness pros into your world. 

Don’t isolate your business when there is so much potential to expand and meet other inspiring professionals. Be sure to check out our Membership Directory to find studios near you and start building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships today.

Ready to connect with a thriving international network of Pilates professionals? Join the PMA today and connect automatically through our monthly in-person and virtual events, conferences, and more.