TeamUp: The most recommended software for your Pilates studio by other business owners

Get to know the PMA’s newest member TeamUp, and why they are the best software for your Pilates business.

Karen Grinter, owner of Northants Pilates running an online class with TeamUp.

Our number one priority has always been our customers. The ability for them to do what they love doing, working with their clients and customers to deliver the best Pilates service, completely drives our business. This is why when the first lockdown of the pandemic began, we took an “all hands on deck” approach to finding the solution that would allow our community of Pilates studio owners, yoga businesses, gyms, and personal trainers to be able to connect with their communities at home. It was a moment in time no one expected that needed immediate action and we knew we had to find a way to keep our customers’ businesses alive.

An incredible example of a Pilates studio owner going above and beyond to deliver for her Pilates clients is Karen Grinter, of Northants Pilates. While preparing to hand over the reins of her successful Pilates business to her son, Karen didn’t hesitate to jump into action when the pandemic forced her to find a way to deliver her classes online to her community of over 400 members in the Northampton region of England. To help Karen and our customers across the globe in the same predicament, we found the solution that would allow them to keep their doors open and offer their classes virtually — an integration with Zoom. By integrating Zoom directly into our software, our customers could schedule and host online classes, build them into their normal class calendar, and allow their clients and members to book directly from their website and member app that they were already accustomed to using.

Karen not only immediately set up her online classes within her TeamUp booking system, but also used the data and learnings she collected from running her online classes to gauge how her students and members felt when it was time to come back to class. This data also helped us at TeamUp understand how to provide the resources and tools our customers would need to be able to deliver a hybrid service — a way for studios who now wanted to be able to offer both in-person and online Pilates classes, which was relatively unheard of in the community prior to the pandemic.

While Karen is only one example of a Pilates business that found a way to survive the pandemic, there are so many others like her with success stories to share and celebrate in a time that has been predominantly overshadowed by uncertainty, doubt, and fear. The advances we are now seeing in the Pilates community have never been seen before at this magnitude. Live-streamed classes, on-demand content, more accessibility in the community, and the strongest desire to work together to grow and develop in the way services are delivered and received. Our primary goal continues and will always be to provide the Pilates community and larger fitness community with the tools and systems they need to run the best versions of their businesses.

“We are now in year two of the pandemic. When we sort of went into it last year, we had three venues with face-to-face classes and about 400 people. And overnight we had to turn that around to an online business to be able to survive. Not only have we been able to survive, but we really thrived thanks to all the work that we put in our end. TeamUp put in theirs to just make that transition as easy as it could be. This is quite a scary time to be running a fitness business and we have to get through it, but we have not only survived all of this so far, but we’ve also actually thrived with this and in no small part thanks to all of the people at TeamUp and everything that they’ve managed to do to help us keep going and keep our clients really happy.” – Karen Grinter, owner of Northants Pilates.

We are excited for the future of the community and the opportunity to work together to continue finding solutions that will allow Pilates business owners to be successful. We are also excited about the opportunity to help connect Pilates enthusiasts with the studios, teachers, and communities that can support their goals and help them grow. There has never been a more important time to support each other, our goals, our needs, and be flexible to adapt and innovate where we can so we rebuild our beautiful industry.

Trial TeamUp free for 60 days as a PMA member and experience all the benefits of supportive software yourself, by visiting TeamUp here.

Green Motion Pilates- Classic Pilates Based in Shanghai, China

Green Motion Pilates- Classic Pilates Based in Shanghai, China

Green Motion Pilates (GM Pilates) is a comprehensive Pilates studio founded in 2020. Our headquarter is in Shanghai, China, and covers an area of 400 square meters (4300 square feet). We adhere to Pilates’ classic training principles to provide clients with scientific and effective training courses. Our founder, Mr. Chen Guo, has 20 years of industry experience, accumulating more than 15,000 private training hours for clients and more than 10,000 training hours for Pilates students.